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Hustings Hustler: Iowa Straw Poll Draws Blood

Posted August 17, 2011

What a wild few weeks it's been in the Republican Presidential primary race, AKA America's Top Celebrity Presidential Candidate Rehab Survivor's Got Talent!

First, a certain vote against raising the debt ceiling came back to haunt us. That vote was cast in 2006 by the junior senator from Illinois, Barack Obama. Sometimes even symbolic votes cause actual pain. You play politics with our ability to borrow money and pay bills and you get egg on your face. Did I say egg, or is that vomit being sprayed during the last week by investors suffering stock market motion sickness?

Because the Tea Party's insistence on deficit reduction, just a mere eight months after everyone in Washington agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts, international trust is US debt has been downgraded from the Visa BlackCard to Diners Club. Sure it was a slight downgrade, given by those same criminals who just a few years ago gave AAA ratings to toxic assets, but still, don't you just get sick when America isn't the most awesome at everything? And then the US Women's national soccer team loses the World Cup to Japan and isn't this just the Summer of Shit?

If nothing else, this debt downgrade could spell the end of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, in favor of the euro or the renminbi. I'll admit to having a C-minus understanding of macroeconomics, which is why I write suppository jokes instead of running for public office, but Tea Party Congressional Caucus, if you don't understand the previous sentence you should go back to complaining about President Obama's birth certificate instead of reducing our economy to that of Kenya. Where Obama's from.

Ames, Iowa played host to the debate between eight republican presidential candidates last week. The biggest point of the night: all eight pledged not to raise taxes never ever ever, not to lower the deficit, not even if the revenue increase were matched ten to one by spending cuts.

Democrats, sniffing out a chance to go on the defensive, offered a compromise of twenty to one spending cuts to tax increases. Then they offered a fifty trillion percent reduction in entitlement spending for no tax increases and threw in the state of Vermont.

The high point leading up to the Ames debate was when that far-out lefty Mitt Romney, munching on a plate of acid-laced "Fried Obesity on a Stick," announced that "corporations are people." I love that song from Free to be You and Me. But all of his perfect hair and free love could not win him the 2011 Straw Poll, where he came in at an awesome 7th place, just behind write-in candidate Rick Perry. The real winner, though, at the Iowa State Fair, was Fried Butter on a Stick. Rebuilding America, one pound at a time. We don't need Medicare. We need wider ambulances.

It's no real surprise that the Iowa Straw Poll's winner was Sarah Palin I mean Michele Bachmann. Bachmann won a not critically important poll in the state where she was born which is right next to the state where she now lives. I'd like to now spend some time riffing on Michele Bachmann's Yoda-like syntax, but save that for freedom liberty links in the freedom chain of liberty the right candidate for are I will in a later column.

But this spring training win cements her in the top tier group of candidates, along with Romney and Rick Perry. This is either a compelling narrative or more likely the media enjoys every chance they get to put the word "3-way" into the title of their articles to increase web traffic. Here at the Hustings Hustler I'll keep watching Michele Bachmann, even though she's not likely to make it to the Big Show, mostly because I'm fixated on her maniacal, Joker-like smile.

Have you ever looked at someone's wedding pictures and noticed that the bride flashes an identical smile every in every single photo, because she's obviously practiced it in front of a mirror since she was a little girl? That's Bachmann's smile, the ecstatic bride, but twisted slightly with the mania that says I KNOW HE'S GAY BUT I'M GOING TO MARRY HIM ANYWAY.

The one casualty of the current field was T-Paw. Tim Pawlenty put all his eggs in one cow stomach (I'm not very good with the rural metaphors) and came up three rooster cocks short.

But like the Hydra, you cut off one head and another grows in, now featuring the face of Governor Rick Perry, who just announced he'll run. Now everything gets exciting, because I get to use more rural metaphors like "all hat, no cattle." You think America won't rush to elect another conservative Texas armadillo-smoking nut job? In 2012 the George W. Bush presidency will have ended four years ago. We remember how bad that was, right? The most brutal terrorist attack on American soil ever, two foreign wars, a five trillion dollar shopping habit, criminal negligence that led to the destruction of New Orleans and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression? We wouldn't make the same mistake because America Never Forgets.

Amount of time between the IPO for, a San Francisco dot-com that actually sold stuff and the IPO of, a website that lets total fucking strangers send me their useless resume? Eleven years.

Amount of time between the collapse of Enron, when politicians demanded more regulation so it wouldn't happen again and the collapse of the banking industry because of the appalling lack of financial regulation? Six years.

Amount of time between the popping of the speculative dot-com bubble to the beginning of the speculative housing bubble? Three years.

Amount of time it took for Twitterers who were irate that people were making fun of Amy Winehouse's death to completely forget there was such a person as Amy Winehouse? One week.

So yes, it's entirely possible that we will hand the keys to the ship of state over to a guy who holds giant prayer rallies to make it rain.

Just so we can all agree how ridiculous this nominating process is to the political junkies I'll share with you this bit from the Times' Caucus Blog, which felt it super important to spend column inches on the official sighting of Rick Perry's new tour bus, the NASCAR Suppository, which will let me end with the following question: what's black, blue and red all over?

This piece originally appeared in The Nervous Breakdown



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