Tumble Dry, Normal, No Heat. |
It's time to pluck your eyebrows. |
Disembodied hands are in the water supply. |
Do Not Wash, you smelly, French freak. |
You may exchange this garment to pay for a parking ticket. |
sin µ / cos µ = tan µ / 1 |
Landing Pad for the Mothership. |
The Volcano God is satisfied with his laundry. |
Two virgins are required for sacrifice. |
You have angered the Volcano God. |
Your television is levitating. The acid has definitely kicked in. |
Do Not Dry - this garment should be kept constantly wet. If it dries, it may catch fire while you wear it. |
It's time to write your great aunt that thank-you note. |
Your prison sentence is halfway over. |
My passion for you has waned. |
It would be an excellent day to fly a kite. |
Since you have not returned this garment to the original owner, your friendship is over. |
An iron has fallen from the sky and crushed a bunny. |
There is no fucking explanation for this. |